Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why must I be thin ?

I've been rejected and I was dejected for a certain period of time till that grief turned into anger and I did what I do best, I wrote.

Why must I be thin?

To be accepted by society?

The fucked up one we're in where people turn their backs on each other, where children are raped, abandoned, sold and robbed of their childhood, the one that are in no way providing me any means to survive? People are killed, tortured, cheated and plundered every second in every single square feet of this world. For that society?

To be loved? 

To be able to 'score' a guy who judges you based on your exterior and nothing on the real substance you're made of: the pain and the scars that have been made, closed, reopened and worsened? That guy who'd dump me for the next hotter chick when my 'beauty' fades/adds and trust me, it will. For that sort of attraction?

To be happy? 

To not indulge in chocolates, cakes and any sort of ambrosial items we call FOOD and deprive my tongue and of course my heart of happiness? To purposely exhaust myself after a long and already exhausting day and well, life?

To be healthy? 

As in skinny people do not get any sort of diseases and they're somehow impervious to death? To prolong living in this vessel we call life or is it being alive? As if you've not been granted to do so all these while?

To be alive....but not basking yourself in the richness of life itself?

Excuse me for being indifferent then.

And no, I'm not pro-obesity. The extremes of both sides are of absolute annoyance but really it is your life, your body. If you do not like what you see then look another way. Is that so hard, really?
